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The Shifting Sisters Retreat - Flight of Freyja

Online Retreat September 20th - 22nd

A journey of power
A journey of magic
A journey of the heart...


As we descend into the darker months and shift with the changing seasons, we take flight with the shapeshifting Goddess Freyja. This retreat is a deepening into Autumn and into communion with Freyja. It is a celebration of fall, of flight, and our own wild magick. 

Although Freyja is often called a Goddess of Love, she is also known as a Goddess of Witches, Wild Women, and Magick. She is a Shapeshifter and the leader of the Valkyrie. She ascends on falcon wing to the heavens and descends deep into the underworld. Connecting with Freyja is a declaration and reclamation of the divine spiritual, sensual and magical self.

This 3-Day Online Retreat consists of Videos, Guided Journeys, Worksheets, a Private Group, and a Live Zoom Meet-Up. 

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3 Days with The Morrigan

1st - 3rd November 2024

Raven Journeys

3 wild and transformative days of journeying with the Irish Goddess -  the Morrigan.

We journey with Raven, Horse and Wolf and ride into the wilds of winter on the edge of Samhain. Honouring the ancestors, connecting with our sovereign selves and celebrating the power of the season.

1-3 November 2024

This 3-day intensive online journey will include deep journeying, healing, ritual and connection with the land. 

The retreat is delivered via pre-recorded video,  a live Zoom meetup and worksheets.



The Winter Mothers Retreat

9 - Days of Magic, Healing and Connection with the Ancient Mothers of Winter

Begins 9th December 2024.


The Mothers of Winter are calling. They call to you from dark caves and on the north wind's song. They gather in frosted woods and call you to the fire, to the hearth, to Mother Bear's deep rest. They call you to the here and now...


In this 9-day online retreat, we will connect with the Mothers of Winter, we will journey through drum, meditation, reflection, ritual, creativity and deep self-care. In the madness of the pre-Yule season, allow yourself *this time* to connect to the ancient goddesses of winter, to the season of the lands, and the wisdom of your own hearth.


Each of the 9 days you will receive via email a gift from the Winter Mothers, these gifts will take the form of journeys, personal ceremonies, meditations, stories, oracles, rituals and self-care practices. The 9 days will be divided into 3 sections, which you will receive more information about upon signing up.

There are live elements to this retreat which will be recorded and can be watched in your own time.



Book all 3 Autumn & Winter Retreats

This Autumn/Winter, treat your soul to 3 powerful online retreats and recieve a £35 discount.

Book onto the Shifting Sisters -  Flight of Freyja, Raven Days & The Winter Mothers Retreat (Sept-Dec 2024) and immerse yourself in the seasonal magick of the goddesses.

Let's Stir the Cauldron Together...

I have been running workshops, courses, retreats and giving talks both online and in person since 2005. Offering a variety of creative, magical, shamanic and healing workshops and trainings, I am honoured to have co-facilitated Goddess workshops for the British Museum alongside many international conferences and festivals.

I love to create the sacred space for you to explore your own power and vision.

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