Healing Song Circles
The Healing Song Circle is a regular event (every Sabbat) at White Rabbit Glastonbury. My fellow teacher, Kay Gillard and I began this event at Lammas 2022, and this unique community healing experience blows us away every time.
A mix of shamanic journeying, seasonal celebration and intuitive singing, these circles are open to all (no experience necessary). Participants are invited to bring their drums and rattles if they wish, but only the voice is required. The most essential element is that the participants bring their healing intentions and prayers. Some sing with confidence as their song commands them, others may be speaking their prayers aloud for the first time and not want to be overheard. Rest assured, we will include everyone present in the songs. All prayers will be honoured, even those whispered into the circle under cover of drums.
Every song created in a Healing Song Circle is a unique blend of the energies of the moment and the group who have gathered to sing (we have never once had the exact same group configuration!). The songs are for that moment only, never to be heard again in that exact form. We never record our song circles, so that everyone can be held safely to be free in the sacred work.
Upcoming circles
Spring Equinox Healing Song Circle
Wednesday 20 March, 6:30-8:30pm, £20
White Rabbit, Glastonbury
A circle to celebrate the Spring Equinox, calling in balance, healing and power for all who are present in the group. All seekers are welcome, no previous experience required. Pre-booking is essential.